Thursday 4 June 2009

A quick update

So Sunday was a nice day with Church and then a very yummy braai (BBQ) at Benson and Beatrice's house.
On Monday I was interviewing some people at another government social welfare department, which all went well. One lady started talking to me about the royal family after our interview - apparently people here love them! On Monday I also discovered an amazing chocolate here - it's caramel biscotti chocolate and it is! I also introduced Rob and Debbie to the wonderful world of facebook!
Tuesday was my last day at CCP, so I took along some little cakes I made (with help from the kids). Went out for dinner with the family in the evening, to a place called Spurs, where I had some very tasty fajitas. Back at the house I rang home on Skype, and had a nice surprise of talking with Lizzy, who I didn't realise was at home at the moment!
On Wed I got a lift to Durban with Rob and Debbie, who were travelling down for a course on PTSD. It was strange to be leaving PMB and the house and family. They have been so lovely to me :)
Met up with Caroline and did lots of travelling sorting - we now have flights booked to Cape Town for a couple of weeks on Wednesday, and flights to and from Zambia for the end of our trip! Then we had the dramatic incident - Caroline tripped up the stairs and hit her knee. Thought it must've just bruised and grazed, but actually it was quite a gash. We took one look at it and realised it needed stitches! So we got someone from YFC to take us to the hospital. Very nice private hospital - we got seen and sorted very quickly (much quicker than in UK in fact!). All stitched and bandaged up, we paid up (will claim back on insurance) and went for a meal at a nice Mediterranean place, where we both had smoked salmon and cottage cheese salad - yumyum. Then we went to the Church that Caroline has been going to here for a 'Grill a Christian' questions event. Caroline has made really good friends with people there and they are really lovely. We went to a coffee place afterwards and just had a really nice time hanging out.
Today we did some more travel sorting - booking some hostels. Then we went to Umhlanga Rocks - just some nice rocks on a bit of beach. It was quite cloudy, but the sea was beautiful and we had some fun clambering on the rocks (Caroline a bit limited in her clambering by not being allowed to bend her knee fully in case she rips the stitches). Then we went to Gateway (the shopping mall) to buy some warmer clothes. It is winter here at the moment, and although I've been fine in PMB, and Durban is really warm, it is colder in Cape Town and the mountains in Lesotho, so we needed to get some things we hadn't quite come prepared for. So we went to 'Mr Price'! haha. It's like primark or matalan or something in UK.
Went to the Mugg and Bean coffee shop again, where I had a smoothie and we got 'flapjacks' which are actually not flapjacks at all - they're pancakes! We discovered this when one of the guys got them last night, and we tried to explain to our South African friends what flapjack is in England! They found it pretty funny!
Tomorrow we have a veeery early start, getting picked up at 5.15 to go on a 2 day adventure tour! We are going to the Drakensburg Mountains, hiking and pony-trekking into the mountains of Lesotho (although a slightly easier hike due to Caroline's knee!) and apparently going to the highest pub in Africa! We're staying overnight at a place at the foothills, and going on a 4x4 drive the following day. Should be good! Will let you know how it goes in my next update!
Thanks for messages :) Love to everyone xx

1 comment:

  1. LOL a flapjack would be so weird to them! mmmm love flapjacks....i had blueberry pancakes this morning yum yum. hope caroline's knee gets better soon :D where are you travelling exactly? love love xxxxxxxxxxxxx
