Tuesday 16 June 2009

Lyd's latest

Ok, last couple of days...
On Sunday we went to a methodist church around the corner - a traditional service with organ etc, so it was different to what Caroline and I are used to, but people were very friendly, and the preach was interesting - looking at Biblical examples and principals of political power. Hardly anything is open on a Sunday here we discovered, so we ended up going to a Jewish museum (going through a security check to get in, including bag search and scanner!). First synagogue in South Africa, various artefacts, and interesting info about Jews emigrating here from Lithuania. We then went to a Holocaust memorial centre next door.
Went to go to the cash machine by the Supermarket in the Shopping Centre, which was a strange experience, as everything except the cash machine was shut - even the escalators were turned off!
Got a world phonecard, so I phoned home in the evening on the payphone in the hostel - spoke to my mummy and daddy :)
Yesterday we had our wine tour! Group of 7 of us - us, 2 guys from Texas from our hostel who are now driving up to Zambia through Botswana and Namibia, 2 teachers from Canada, a Swedish guy who works with drug addicted youths, and a Spaniard who apparently works with matador bulls! Drove through Cape Town with a local band playing in the bus (well, not actually playing in the bus...you know what i mean!), and went to 4 different vineyards, learning about wine making, tasting lots of different wines and champagnes, eating some (lots of) amazing cheese and having a nice lunch at a restaurant in a valley. Felt very much on holiday!
Here are a couple of vineyard shots:

Today we went to the South African National Museum, which turned out to be basically a natural history museum! There were some interesting things about traditional tribes though. After lunch we went to the castle here - oldest building in Cape Town (1600s ish) which is Dutch, and had some rooms set out from various century styles. We had coffee and cheesecake under the colonade bit, with Table Mountain in the background. Very nice. We then went to the District Six museum, which is about a district that was segregated under apartheid, and then people were forcibly removed from there. Interesting.
Tomorrow we go on a tour to Cape Point, which should be good!
Been away 5 weeks now!
Love to everyone.

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