Sunday 17 May 2009

number 2!

ok, a little update on the last couple of days!
on friday at CCP i went to an HIV training session for community workers, looking at the importance of testing and knowing your status. That was cool, and I actually saw an HIV test being done, which i hadn't seen before. Went to an HIV support group in a township in the be honest i have been in quite a few situations before where i knew that some people in the room were HIV+, but this was probably the first time i have been in a room where every single person was +. Looking at people and actually knowing that HIV is a reality for them is pretty humbling. I've read and studied and talked about HIV so much, but ultimately, it comes down to individual people, and it is so important to remember that. It's not just statistics - it's real people. The meeting was in Zulu, so i didn't understand much (i understand 'mlungo' (white person) when i was being introduced! haha). They were talking about ARVs though, and the importance of taking them. At one point I was asked my medical opinion on a rash that a lady had (!). Some people there looked really really sick. There were some cute babies there too, but of course that means these HIV+ people are having unprotected sex!
I was talking with a staff member afterwards about ARVs, and how they are obviously great, but they also mean people are alive and well for longer, but still infectious. So unless there is behaviour change, ARVs actually lead to increased transmission. So many issues - it's quite overwhelming at times.
Back at CCP I did some work on some forms from OVC home visits - looking at what was reported and their needs, and putting what support to give them (food parcel, clothes, crop aid, school fees etc etc).
Then Friday night i got a lift to Durban, where Caroline is staying. The journey was pretty mental - Jeff was driving at 140 km/h, about 2 metres from the car in front, eating sandwiches at one point with no hands on the wheel, with an 8-month pregnant lady in the car!! We arrived safely though (thank God) and I was pleased to see Caroline.
Seemed like we'd been apart longer than 3 days - lots to catch up on. We got pizza and watched Walk the Line, which a Dutch girl at the hostel had with her.
My birthday was great :) I woke up and opened some cards and little presents my sisters sent with me, which was lovely. Then we drove to the beach, which was beautiful and hot (got a bit burnt, oops). We walked along the beach, looked at some souvenir market stalls, had lunch in a beachside cafe, went to seaworld (including a dolphin show and penguin feeding! hehe), ate icecream (yumyum), then had amazing fruit cocktails by the sea as the sunset, before having a very yummy seafood dinner and cheesecake! I am very blessed!
Drove back - thought we were a bibt lost, but it was ok. Got caught in some traffic as there had been a rugby match at the stadium (Bulls won, if anyone follows S.A rugby!). The petrol dial was on empty, so that was a bit hairy! But we made it to the petrol station!
Today we set off for a Church a little way away. They shut the main road we wanted though, and there wasn't a diversion put out or anything! So we had to navigate a different route...which sounds not too bad, except that the map we have is a bit old....and they have changed most of the street names!! (they have changed them from things like 'Windemere road' and even a 'Woodford road'! to more zulu names). So some roads have the old names on signs, some have the new names, some have both and some have none! And our map just has old names!
We rather miraculously made it to Church in the end. A huge Church - mix of people in it. Quite Hillsong-esque! 2 hour service, and a nice coffee afterwards.
We are going to go to a local Church tonight too, which should be cool.
Must dash now - going to someone's house for lunch i believe.
Thanks for all your messages - especially yesterday.
Love to everyone xx

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